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Friday, February 27, 2015

why use essential oils?

 Lemon and Peppermint Essential Oils by Instanaturals 

Lemon consists of 68% dlimonene, a powerful antioxidant.  It takes 3000 lemons to produce 1 kilo of lemon oil. Lemon is best known for its ability to cleanse toxins from any part of the body. Ayurvedic medicine has used lemons and lemon essential oils for at least 1000 years. 

  Lemon benefits include:
* cleansing and purification 
* oral health and remedy for bad breath
* improves digestion
* thirst quenched
* abdominal : colic pain, calms stomach/ nausea
* nourishes the skin
* promotes weight loss
* decreases cholesterol deposits in blood vessels 
   Some product uses:
* Use to remove gum, oil, grease spots, or adhesive,  simply apply 1 to 2 drops to the area needed. 
* on oily skin or blemishes place a drop to balance oil glands, and minimize oil production 
* as a sanitizer : combine water and 2-3 drops oil in a spray bottle
* soothe corns, callous, or bunions by rubbing lemon essential oil on affected area in the morning and evening.
* cellulite - massage into affected area to help improve circulation and eliminate waste from cells
* carpet cleaning- add 10 to 15 drops to a gallon of carpet cleaning solution. Use to pull out stains and brighten carpets and rugs
* refrigerator smells- place a few drops on cotton ball and place in refrigerator, to help eliminate smells
* laundry- forget your laundry in the washing machine? No problem add a few drops of lemon essential oil, and they won't smell musty
* teeth whitening - mix lemon essential oils, baking soda, and coconut oil, rub on teeth for 2 minutes then rinse
* clean greasy hands- If soap isn't working, add a couple drops Essential Oil to soap to get rid of the grease
* natural disinfectant - clean countertop,  even moldy showers, add 40 drops lemon oil, to 20 drops to tea tree oil, in a 16 ounce bottle, fill with water, (a little vinegar can be added)
* face wash- mix lemon essential oil with baking soda/ honey for acne free face wash
* wood and silver polish- lemon oil soaked cloth will clean tarnished silver. Great for wood too. 
* immune system- support lymphatic drainage, help overcome a cold fast / mix with coconut oil, rub on neck
How it is produced:
Lemon essential oil comes from cold pressing the lemon peel. The peel is the most nutrient dense part, in terms of fat soluble phytonutrients. This phytonutrient can help reverse diabetic neuropathy, sciatic nerve damage can also be reduced. Lemon oil is cold pressed as all citric oils are. 
* Lemon oil mixed with equal parts peppermint, lemongrass, and a carrier oil. Massage gently in an upward motion.

○ Many other uses can be found on  

                       PEPPERMINT ESSENTIAL OIL
Peppermint  essential oils are gathered by steam distillation. Peppermint is a sterile hybrid of spearmint and watermelon. steam distillation process : steam passes through the plant material. The combination of heated steam and gentle pressure causes the essential oil to be released from the microscopic protective sacs. The vapor flows through a condenser and cools. It yields a layer of oil on the water. Temperature for steam distillation  140° to 221° Fahrenheit

  There are numerous uses for peppermint oil.  It can improve mental focus, relieve headaches,  help stomach aches, boost energy,  bug repellent,  acne treatment,  colic, teething, or added to a carrier oil, to be usedan for aromatherapy.  Aromatherapy can be used to treat colds, or bronchitis.

  According to the peppermint oil can be used for :
* Natural pain killer- muscle relaxant, painful gums and teething
* Fever- a few drops mixed with a carrier oil applied to the torso can reduce temperature 30 ° in a minute. A few drops can also be placed on a wet washcloth and applied head to toe to cool a fevered body.
* drowsiness- combine peppermint with a citrus oil and apply to back of neck
* reduce bloating- rub in stomach to prevent bloating caused by gas and indigestion
* nausea- rub a drop on abdomen
* itching - caused by bug bites, hives, poison ivy or oak.
* relieve constipation-  combine with a carrier oil and massage abdomen
* tick removal- soak a q-tip with peppermint oil and dab the tick
* repel spiders and ants- place oil on a cotton ball, or make a spray by adding 4-5 drops with water. Repels mice, beetles, and cockroaches (Also works for aphids in garden)

sample received from Instanaturals .All opinions and pictures are mine.
product can be purchased here

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