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Saturday, May 2, 2015

NuraNaturals Rosehip seed oil

src="" /> What are rosehips? They are the fruit that occurs on wild rose bushes in late Summer to Autumn. They are rich in Vitamin C, 1700-2000 mg per 100 grams of dried product. In comparison an orange only contains 50 mg.
* Rosehip oil does not need to be diluted in a carrier oil.
* It has a nutty scent when used right out of the bottle.
* Rosehip oil can be either cold pressed or extracted through a heating process.
* Rosehip oil contains Vitamin C,  Vitamin A (retinol)
* It is high in essential fatty acids,  linoleic acid (omega 6) and omega 3. (Over 70% of rosehip seed oil is fatty acid)
* it contains the antioxidants lycopene and betacarotene.
* The essential fatty acids give it moisturizing properties
* The betacarotene helps prevent signs of aging.
* The Vitamin A helps combat wrinkles,  sun damage and even skin tone.

 Rosehip oil is said to be safe for all skin types, but always do a patch test in a small area, just I'm case your skin may react to it. If you have very oily skin or acne, rosehip oil may clog your pores. Rosehip oil was used by the Ancient Egyptians, Mayan and Native Americans for its healing properties.

  Some of the many uses include:
* as a makeup remover- put a small amount on a cotton pad, rub it on to remove eye makeup, before washing your face.
* toner- can be used in a toner spray
* nighttime moisturizer - apply rosehip oil directly to your face and neck with a cotton pad. Let it stay on your face 10 -20 minutes.  Then remove excess with a cotton pad.
* For cuts, scars and stretch marks- rosehip oil is said to prevent the formation of keloid scar tissue
* dry cracked heels- apply rosehip at night followed by a thick moisturizer. Put on cotton socks
* assists in cellular membrane and tissue regeneration
 It also helps heal conditions such as :
age spots
brittle nails
burns, radiation and sunburn
dry and damaged hair

 I like that it can be used to make creams,  lotions, facial serums and massage oils. To improve shelf life you can add carrot seed oil and Vitamin E, which also makes a nice facial serum. I have been using it on my hair, because I had very dry damaged hair. I have noticed that my hair is softer since I started using it. I also use it on my dry feet. So I can get ready for sandal weather. I have been using it on a scar,for a few weeks, but have not had enough time to tell if it's fading it yet. I received this product in exchange for my honest opinion.

This rosehip oil can be purchased Here

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